Honey Cake

honey cake

Weekends are always good for baking a cake, especially when you have a mountain of eggs thanks to the chickens in your backyard! The kiddos made some chocolate muffins and digestive biscuits, I fancied trying out something a little different…. I found this recipe for honey cake that I copied down from somewhere a while back and never got around to making. It fell apart a little when I took it out of the tin, but it tasted delicious… perfect with a cup of tea after decorating my kitchen!! Rich and moist it was a hit in my house.

You’ll Need:
6oz honey
5oz butter
3oz brown sugar
2 eggs
7oz self-raising flour
1 tbsp water

Melt the honey, sugar, water and butter together in a pan over a low heat. Beat in the eggs, then fold in the flour.

Pour into a greased baking pan, place in your oven {preheated to 180C, 350F} and bake for around 20-25 minutes.

Allow to cool and enjoy!


1 Comment

  1. Hollie

    May 9, 2013 at 22:51

    This looks scrumptious! I think I will make it for a treat for the daycare kiddos this week.

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