Follow your heart

while today i’m living the life that i always dreamed of, up until a few years ago I was still trying to please others and do ‘what i should’ not what i wanted. i suffered from bout after bout of depression, until i finally realised the mistake that i was making.

follow your heart
i’d spent my life trying to fit in, to be what i thought i should be, and often something different for each perosn i knew. that was a surefire recipe for disaster.
we only have one life, one chance to live our dreams and make ourselves happy. when a good friend told me to stop and think, hard, about what I wanted from this life, and to follow my dreams no matter how impossible they seem. i took her advice and realised what it was that made me happy – i started blogging, started putting myself out there, i set up an etsy shop, and {tried} to stop worrying what others thought about me.
after a few months, i no longer had to try –  following my heart and being proud to be myself started to come naturally. today my life is a far cry from what it once was. i’ll admit there are the odd times i doubt myself, but i can look back on all i have achieved in the past couple of years and just how far i have come.

three steps to get you started:

one sit down and write down all the things you’d like to do, how you’d like your life to be and how you want to spend your days

two make an action plan of how you’re going to get from where you are now to where you want to be {remember – babysteps}

three believe in yourself – this is the most important – you have to truly believe that you can do it, otherwise anything you attempt will only be half-hearted


  1. Lune Lyoness

    September 19, 2012 at 13:17

    Thank you – I needed this today. :)

    1. Polly Davies

      September 19, 2012 at 19:07

      welcome :) we all need reminding from time to time – me especially! xxx

  2. Deer Little Fawn

    September 19, 2012 at 14:08

    Awesome post! You’re an amazing lady and I’m so glad you decided to follow your dreams (if not we would never have met! ..and that would suck!) Keep on believing in yourself and being awesome! you’re doing a great job! :) xx

  3. Yaya

    September 19, 2012 at 13:39

    I’ve been a silent reader of your blog, because I felt on the surface we maybe didn’t have much in common. I now see that we do. Thank you for this lovely post.


    1. Polly Davies

      September 19, 2012 at 19:11

      i’m so glad that you enjoyed this <3 enjoying reading through your blog! xxx

  4. Adriana Madrigal

    September 19, 2012 at 15:52

    Aww, you’re gonna make me cry… I can easily say that this is me. I try too hard to please others and do “what I should do” according to people who will never be happy no matter what I do. I’ve changed my life around, in hopes that others be happy and not thinking of myself. Sad part is, I realized I was doing this and I felt like I couldn’t stop. Because I’m already so submerged in it that I can’t break away. I don’t feel like I would be accepted for me, but for a fake version of me. My blog is the only place I can let go & it feels great – that’s why blogging is so important to me. Thank you for this post. I have to start believing in myself. <3

    xo, Adriana.

  5. Becky

    September 19, 2012 at 18:51

    Lovely post, Sometimes its nice to be reminded that our needs are the most important x

    1. Polly Davies

      September 19, 2012 at 19:10

      totally…. it’s easy to put ourselves second to everyone else… but one thing i’ve learnt is that being happy is key to everything. if i’m not happy then everyone else suffers.

  6. Rose

    September 19, 2012 at 19:32

    Beautiful. I was good at making things happen when I was younger, by the age of 23 I’d done the 3 things topping the list I wrote when I was nine. I always have loose ten year plans and recently I have reminded myself I only have this one wild and precious life – anything I want to do has to be done this time, there’s no second chance. I think my dreams conflict slightly with my boyfriends but recently I have started to see how we can live out our own but still together. With your inspiration I think I may go curl up with a cup of tea and investigate ways to be more me on a daily basis. I can’t believe you’ve not always had the belief and pride in yourself you have now, your soul really shines through your writing and your creations. Love and light X

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