Decisions, decisions


 I am feeling super Christmas-sy. The girls and I spent the morning cutting out paper snowflakes and listening to cheesy Christmas music. A great way to spend the morning – helped by the fact it’s snowing outside!
We played out in the snow for a bit when the baby was napping – she’s none too keen on how cold it is! And then the girls watched ‘Oliver’ while I chattered with a friend and her cute 12 week old baby girl.
I’ve been enjoying a less hectic pace the last couple of days. Slowing down and just enjoying the moment. Getting caught up in the festivities that are coming. The last few weeks I’ve been pushing myself to do so much. And getting frustrated that I can’t do more. Comparing myself to others. People who craft for a living. People who don’t have 3 girls to take care of and spend time with.
I’ve been telling myself I need to do as much as they do. I need to make all these things to sell. And getting stressed at the thought.
Tonight I’ve realised I need to let that go. While I love painting/sewing/crafting….. it is not my full time job. Maybe in a few years when the girls are grown. But right now my focus is on them. That’s not to say that I won’t devote some time to painting and making clothes. But not all my time.
I had thoughts of shutting the etsy shop down. I can’t compete with others on there, and the things I’m offering are already available, and probably much better.
Then I thought maybe I’d leave it up, and if I make something to go in it, I’ll put it there – but put no expectations on myself as to how much I have to make each week or expect to sell a certain amount. Just go back to making things because I enjoy it – and if it sells, well great.
I’m not sure what to do, or what path I’m meant to follow.


  1. Lindsay Széchenyi

    December 2, 2010 at 02:08

    I do the same thing with comparing myself to all these crafty crafters who somehow manage to do a million things? I only have one girl and I still have such a hard time getting things done – I can’t imagine what it would be like with three! (Although it sounds like it would be really fun :) ) I say leave your shop up and put something in there if you feel like it. You never know. Happy holidays <3

  2. Little House On Wheels

    December 2, 2010 at 02:11

    We are taking the month off of school so to speak to enjoy the festivities and so I’m not completely stressed out.

    I’m very much where you are on the creativity front. It is so freaking hard with kids to have a block of time without interruption. I tried etsy briefly, looking to revisit it again beginning of the year. I think it is all about getting your shop seen. You should check out this book I’m reading now called “The Handmade Marketplace”. There is a lot of info on etsy and getting your name out there.

    Like you though, I get scared to be all gung ho. I don’t have all the time I need to foster a real business so to speak. Baby steps I tell myself.

  3. Bird in a Tree Creations

    December 2, 2010 at 02:45

    Every time I read your posts, I think we must be twins!!! I am thinking about and going through the exact same stuff!!! So crazy but also feels so good to know I am not going crazy!! (unless we both are!) LOL!! I was also thinking, am I on the right path? Am I doing what I am supposed to be doing? Leave the shop up! Add when you can. That’s what I am going to do and try to stop putting so much pressure on myself. I luv ya Polly, just keep on keepin’ on and your path will unfold as it should!XOXOXOXOX

  4. Polly

    December 2, 2010 at 07:03

    Thanks so much for your comments. I came to the same conclusion in my sleep – to leave the shop up and put no pressure on myself. Not only do I have 3 girls, but they don’t go to school nor do we have family around to help out. Dh is at work most of the time, so I do everything all by myself. Sometimes that’s a little overwhelming!

    I will check out the ‘handmade marketplace’ book – I think I’ve heard of it before.

    Luv ya too Kelly xoxox

  5. Violet Bella

    December 2, 2010 at 15:38


    The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop comparing yourself to other artists and just create b/c you love to create. There will ALWAYS be people who do more or are more creative, no matter how creative you are or how much you sell. You know that my shop is my full time business and I dont have kids yet, and I still feel that way about others. That is a never ending rut to get yourself into and it only makes you feel bad. Art is mainly for your soul. I wouldnt push myself so hard if my family didnt depend on the income b/c I dont have another job. And when I do have kids I know things will change dramatically b/c they will always come first. I will then be a mama and then a crafter.

    When I first came into this online world of art it changed everything for me. I already had tons of things created before I started my shop just b/c I always created in my free time after work since I was young. But I was blown away and so intimidated by other artists who were already so established online. I thought I could never ever be that. And now I know, it just takes time. A little each day devoted to it. And since you have 3 kids it will just take a little longer. Patience is the golden key. Dont ever give up on what you want though, just dont expect it to happen overnight, b/c nothing good ever happens that fast! Just keep making things as time allows and never loose sight of why you do it. If you feel like you are doing it just to be as good as someone else, or just to sell things, it most likely will not work out. You are forcing yourself against the universe. Just let it flow and if its meant to happen it slowly and eventually will. You are young, time is on your side. Enjoy your babies while they are young b/c you wont get that back, you can craft all your life!

    Love you Polly, hope this gives you a little insight to the other side of what you are feeling. I know I cant fully understand b/c I dont have kids, but I do know what its like to struggle in the beginning. I thought about quitting so many times b/c nothing was selling for a veryyyyy long time. But I just kept making things and made it a point to always stay true to myself, make original work that came from my soul. Dont ever make things just b/c they are selling for other people, make it your own and you will stand out :)


  6. Lindsay Széchenyi

    February 11, 2011 at 21:59

    I do the same thing with comparing myself to all these crafty crafters who somehow manage to do a million things? I only have one girl and I still have such a hard time getting things done – I can’t imagine what it would be like with three! (Although it sounds like it would be really fun :) ) I say leave your shop up and put something in there if you feel like it. You never know. Happy holidays <3

  7. Violet Bella

    February 11, 2011 at 21:59


    The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop comparing yourself to other artists and just create b/c you love to create. There will ALWAYS be people who do more or are more creative, no matter how creative you are or how much you sell. You know that my shop is my full time business and I dont have kids yet, and I still feel that way about others. That is a never ending rut to get yourself into and it only makes you feel bad. Art is mainly for your soul. I wouldnt push myself so hard if my family didnt depend on the income b/c I dont have another job. And when I do have kids I know things will change dramatically b/c they will always come first. I will then be a mama and then a crafter.

    When I first came into this online world of art it changed everything for me. I already had tons of things created before I started my shop just b/c I always created in my free time after work since I was young. But I was blown away and so intimidated by other artists who were already so established online. I thought I could never ever be that. And now I know, it just takes time. A little each day devoted to it. And since you have 3 kids it will just take a little longer. Patience is the golden key. Dont ever give up on what you want though, just dont expect it to happen overnight, b/c nothing good ever happens that fast! Just keep making things as time allows and never loose sight of why you do it. If you feel like you are doing it just to be as good as someone else, or just to sell things, it most likely will not work out. You are forcing yourself against the universe. Just let it flow and if its meant to happen it slowly and eventually will. You are young, time is on your side. Enjoy your babies while they are young b/c you wont get that back, you can craft all your life!

    Love you Polly, hope this gives you a little insight to the other side of what you are feeling. I know I cant fully understand b/c I dont have kids, but I do know what its like to struggle in the beginning. I thought about quitting so many times b/c nothing was selling for a veryyyyy long time. But I just kept making things and made it a point to always stay true to myself, make original work that came from my soul. Dont ever make things just b/c they are selling for other people, make it your own and you will stand out :)


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