

I’ve had this wool on my needles for weeks, slowly being knitted into a headband to hold my dreads out the way. And finally it’s finished!!!

My knitting skills aren’t great, knit one, purl one is about all I can manage, so I’m wondering how many things I can make out of simple, straight pieces of knitting LOL


  1. Claire

    April 5, 2010 at 08:17

    Jean Greenhowe has some great pieces you can make from squares. Look for Jiffyknits. And there are all kinds of little cardies and things that can be done with just garter stitch or stocking stitch, and the odd increase or decrease. I’m all for simple!

    Your headband looks great, lovely colours.

  2. That Crazy Family

    June 19, 2010 at 16:49

    WoW your headband looks amazing!! I want one :) Im a basic knitter… scarves mainly but who knows perhaps your inspiration will push me to branch out and create something new!

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